
Training and Capacity Building

The Training and Capacity Building Department offers in-person and virtual trainings, technical assistance, curriculum development, referral pathways, and other services that strengthen organizations’ and communities’ ability to address existing and emerging public health concerns.

Training and Capacity Building

Health Referral Network is designed to simplify the process of finding and enrolling in a lifestyle change program. If you or someone you know would benefit from participating in a lifestyle change program, there is no need to take on the task of finding a program. Contact us directly, and we can assist in connecting you with a program provider within our network based on your personal preferences and schedule.
If you or your organization is interested in receiving training or consulting services, please contact our team of health promotion professionals to help you develop, implement, and evaluate health promotion offerings.

Umbrella Hub Organization provides a financially sustainable system for billing and receiving claims from Centers for Medicaid and Medicare, Managed Care Organizations, and other payers on behalf of community based organizations affiliates delivering National Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Change Program.


Successful Outcomes

Increasing Rural Access to National DPP - HPC works with the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) to increase access to and utilization of National DPP in rural areas through funding from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). HPC supports delivery of National DPP in rural counties through recruitment, training of lifestyle coaches, and technical support to increase National DPP providers.

TCAP partnered with PHMC's Research and Evaluation Group to survey Philadelphians eligible for National Diabetes Prevention Program to learn what motivates people to enroll and remain in the program. Click here to read the report. 

Pennsylvania Diabetes Prevention Action Plan - In August 2016, HPC, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and NACDD, convened key stakeholders in Hershey, PA to develop a statewide action plan to increase coverage, referrals, availability, and awareness of diabetes prevention programs at the Pennsylvania Diabetes Prevention Statewide Engagement Meeting.

HPC leverages its partnerships to improve communication between clinicians and community-based organizations that host DSMES and National DPP through the Health Referral Network.